Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lets Call This Dance the Truth Twist

Oh man, Today's already an interesting day.
In fact, so interesting that today deserves two quotes. Be excited.

American Poet, Essayist, and Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you're saying." At first glance, this quote didn't make sense to me. Then I looked closer, and it made all the sense in the world. Growing up, everyone used to say "actions speak louder than words." This is what R.W.E. was trying to say. Not just that the actions were speaking louder, but that they were SO contradictory to the words, that those words could not be heard at all.

Guys experience this all the time. They'll be with a girl and she'll be particularly quiet or what not so the question always comes up of "Whats wrong?" A simple question usually responded to with a simple answer, "I don't know." or "Oh, nothing." Nothing. Right. Based on your current actions, anything BUT nothing is the right answer. An age old tango of words ensues as the answering party dodges and weaves while the questioning party attempts to make some sort of sense out of this situation. In the end, "Nothing" usually means "everything" and "I don't know?" well...That means they know exactly what it is, but for some reason they don't wish to say. This leads me to a rather obscure source, George Jackson.

"Patience has it's virtue. Take it too far, and it's cowardice."

Patience. Have Patience. Love is Patient. has its place. Any relationship, friendship requires patience. But at a point for a normal person, patience runs dry because of lie after lie. That person will get tired and decide it's time to move on with life. No matter what the sorrow of a friend removed, or the longing for a lover lost, These people cut their losses and move on. Look at Frank though, Frank has a problem, hes being strung along. "Oh she'll come around," he says. "It's only a matter of time," he reiterates. Guess what Frank, she won't. There is not a thing you can do about it. Some people may see this as patience for something worth waiting for. At this point, its cowardice. It is only you Frank, you being afraid to move on. Afraid you won't find another girl like her. I'm here to bring you light, you will. There are plenty out there that you will meet. Just remember...

There Is Always Another Day



lasupaman said...

Truth and lies. A very subjective topic.

In my very subjective point of view on the matter, it would be pertinent to state that there are only a few real truths in this universe, none of them being related to human relationships and interaction.

Our human flaw. We can't even deal with each other in the same manner as we do our most fundamental urges. Dinosaurs had it good. Eat or be eaten; it's as simple as that.

For us higher beings, we might speak the same language, but we certainly don't speak the same language. Factor in age, sex, up bringing, and you got a clusterfuck.

Can't do it man. Try as you will to understand them, you'll only feel like Columbus trying to decipher Native American speak.

Just plant your flag, note your surroundings, and move on.

Scot Thomas said...

Thanks for your input lasupaman. While I agree with there being only a few fundamental truths in the universe, I also believe there are numerous "guidelines" that govern human interaction. So while humans can't relate and figure every single person out in this universe, I believe there are many "guidelines" that can allow people to get a normal understanding of a majority of their fellow man.

Anonymous said...

So, a friend of mine (Eric) told me about your blog and convinced me to read it, and so I did...
Honestly, I thought it might be rather silly for me to comment...
but after reading this entry I thought you should no that not ALL girls are quiet because they aren't having a good time, and when some girls say "nothing is wrong" or "I don't know" they are speaking the truth. (Of course that IS the case for some girls... where their words and feelings don't match up, but I guess you really have to go individual to individual).
And true patience, is always a good thing. For your friend, it does sound like he just is having trouble moving on... but that's all. That isn't really patience. To have patience with people, to not get frustrated, and to be understanding... that kind of patience... well you could never have enough of it, it is never cowardice. Your friend is not being patient... he has nothing to be patient for... he's just expecting something that will not come.
Anyway I appologize for ranting...
I do like your use of quotes!! I'm an avid quote collector myself (I had written down the one about actions and words a long long time ago!)
This is a good idea though... even though people go different things... when you learn something it's good to share that wisdom.
Good luck with everything!!
and you were definitely right about one thing, there are lots of good girls out there :-)

Scot Thomas said...

Happypony, everyone is welcome on this blog, I encourage comments and views other than my own. I also appreciate your views on my work, If even one person learns something from this blog, then I will have accomplished something.

You bring up a valid point, just because girls are being quiet does not mean something is wrong. And if this would be the case then "Nothing" would truly be accurate. I'm not trying to say this isn't sometimes the case, but when coupled with their actions is when you start to know something is wrong.

As for patience, True patience is an important and necessary part of anyone's emotional collection. However, like anything on the planet, it is possible to have too much. At a point patience turns from virtue to vice. Once it turns into a vice, this is where I am stating it becomes cowardice. It then is not pure patience but patience melded with fear, and this is where you can get into serious trouble. If you don't know when patience needs to fail, or when to just let go, Then you can be walked on, used, etc.

Also, I didn't use to believe that there were good girls out there, but yes, I can now say that there are quite a few. my faith in humanity may be restored yet!
